Thursday, October 8, 2009


Traffic engineering
Look specifically main part is traffic engineering as it applies to traditional voice network is determined the number of trunks necessary to carry a required amount of voice calls during a period of time.
First paragraph:
irst There are two different types of connections to be aware of line and trunks. The lines allow telephone sets to be connecting to telephone switch, PBX exchanges and central office switch. Trunk is a tie line interconnecting PBX exchanges. Institute and companies are use switches to act as concentrators because the number of telephone sets required are sometimes greater than number of simultaneous calls that need to be made.
Second Paragraph:
Traffic Engineering is that phase of engineering which deals with the planning, geometric design and traffic operations of roads, streets, and highways, their networks, terminals, abutting lands and relationships with other modes of transportation for the achievement of safe, efficient, and convenient movement of persons and goods.Traffic engineering a voice over X network is a five step processing. Including a two step is in most large businesses it is more cost effective to apply traffic engineering to groups of trunks serving a common purpose. Start by separating the traffic into inbounded and outbound directions.
Including potential sources to traffic arrival Characteristics and switch handles trunk alloation. There are three parts /first assumption, second assumption and final assumpion/
The first assumption can be infinite versus a small number of sources. The second assumption deals with the traffic arrival characteristics. Usually based on a Poisson traffic distrubition where call arrivals follow a classic bell-shaped curve. Poisson distribution is commonly used for infinite traffic sources. The final assumption center around the switching equipment itself. In the circuit switch environment, many of the larger switches were blocking switches. There are three assumption with in a basic. The only thing left to do is to calculate the number of trunks required by formulas.

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