Wednesday, October 21, 2009

referrence letter

School of Telecommunication and Information technology,MUST
Apt 77-24, 22th horoo, Bayanzurkh district, P.O.B-469,
Post Office Ulaanbaatar- 21
Ulaanbaatar Mongolia,

To: "MCS" group

I am glad to be able to write most warmly in support of Nyamsuren's application for the post of Engineer with your company.

During his studies, Nyamsuren proved himself to be an outstanding student. His ideas are original and exciting, all his makes Nyamsuren an excellent person, capable of coping successfully in whatever work or
environment with professionalism and quality.

she has a website in internet world. He skilled in type of all software and hardware works. In addition, she is olloo's partner in a small business where he is responsible for writing and editing articles and website content.

She is a pleasant, hardworking and reliable person and I can recommend shis without any reservations.
Senior lecturer BAYARMAA Gurtseden


1. Tell me about yourself. How would you describe yourself /character/ personality?
My name is Nyamsuren.D and I'm from Mongolia. I live in Ulaanbaatar with my parents. I’m 19 years old. I study Information and Communication Technologies University. I’m third course. My professional is Telecommuniction engineering. I’m energetic.
2. What are your greatest strengths (weaknesses)?
My greatest strengths are ability working in the field of communication
My greatest weakness is work in under pressure.

3.Where do you see yourself five years from now? How do you feel about your future in the profession?
I see creative a our life. I’m glading choose this profession and it obtaining good life and belief .

4. Looking back, what would you do differently in your life ? My education is very differently.
6. What have you learned from participation in extraculum-activities?
- I learn with some book and people's advice. I think it long time.
8. What and in what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?
9. What makes a job enjoyable for you? What two or three things would be most important to you in your job?
Yes, I good engineering, I developing a Mongolian technology.

10. Can you work under pressure ?
No, I can’t

11. How important is communication and interaction with others on your job?
Ability in a job.

12. Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?
Yes I do

13.What are your long-range goals and objectives?
I will good engineer.

14.What are your short-range goals and objectives?
Studing to be careful with good credits.

15.How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
In order to Mongolian develop.

16. What do you think you gained by working in your last job (studying in your school) ?
What were you responsible for? What did your job involve?
Working in the laboratories, i will good work in equipments it is very enjoy my profession.

17. Why do you want to work for this company?
Because i believe good work for this profession. This company is a very polite with collective.

18. What type of position do you think you are suited for? How would you describe the position we have to offer? .
office in job suitable
19. What aspects of the position are you most interested in? How long do you think you would stay with us?
I like work in fresh environment and ability with people. I can to make a enjoying. I will stay 7-30 years.

20. What salary would you expect for this position?

orjuulah 15n arga

1. Harna
2. Unshina
3.Vg tvvj awaad orchuulj tohiroh utgiina olno.
4.Shine vgnvvdee orchuulna.
5.Ogvvlbereer ni ochuulna.
6. Viliin eznee olno.
7. Gol ba togsgoliin ogvvlberee olno.
8. Text-nhee yronhii utgiina oilgono.
9. Mergejliin vgnvvdiina olno.
10. Snine mergejliin vgnvvdee tvvj bichne.
11.Shine mergejliin vgnvvdee tolinoos harna.
12.Ogvvlberee orchuulaad utga-n shalgana.
13.Orchuulsan mongol ogvvlberee bvgdiin unshina.
14.Aldaatai ogvvlbervvdee dahin ynzlana
15.Dahiad unshina.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

ajliin zar

amerkiin negdsen ulsiin ashgiin bus olon ulsiin hogjliin baiguulag ni ANU-n OYXA bolon XAAY-nii sanhvvjiltaar ger sanaachlag tosliig UB, Darhan, Erdenet, Choibalsan hotuudad heregjvvlj baina. Ger sanaachlag UB dahi salbart doorhi ajiliin bairand idbehi ermelzeltei ajiltan shalgaruulj abna.
programist: tosliin vil ajillagaa bolon vr dvng delgerengvi baidlaar harahiin tuld shf international deer ................ web-d suurilsan medeelliin baaziig ashigladag. Ug programiig tsaashid hynaj saijruulj, hogjvvlj baih chadwarlaga programist awna.
tawigdah shaardlag: program hangamjiin deed bolowsroltoi microsoft deer program hiij baisan. Angil heltei hvn ajild songogdoh bolomj ilvv baih bolno.
Ajliin turshlag: Dood tal ni 3n jil ogogdliin baaztai ajilsan baih, web-n programjlal
Orogdol anketiig 2005 onii 11*4nii dotor hvleen awna. Orogdol anketiig daraah haygaar ybuulna uu?
shuudan: shf international, CX 48:277 UB hot mongol uls
Fax: 011319971
Angilaar ni:
USA ho profit international development's organization realizing international trading agency of USA and ministry of foreige trade financing house initiative project in UB, Darhan, Erdenet, Choibalsan cities. House initiative branch of UB taking choosing following work's position activity aspiration worker.
project's activity operation and results delailed looking use information base on web foundation on shf international . Source programme taking skilful programmist hereafter consrolled to improve and developing.
tawigdah shaardlag:
placed requirements programm supplying's upper education, It was do on microsoft ask programm and with english people. pussible will choosing. Work's experience bottom three years, web's programmist application taking wait 4*11*2005
application send next address: a-mail shf international , CX 48:277

Thursday, October 8, 2009

orchuulah 15n arga

3.To write to pick content found of words
4.To translate new words
5.To translate unwrap by sentence
6.To find subject
7. Determine introduction, main body and conclusion
8. Understand this text in general
9. Find professional words
10. Writing new and professional words
11. Use dictionary to learn new words and professional words
12. Check the sentence structure in Mongolian
13. Read the translated full sentence in Mongolian
14. If i don’t get in the sentences then receiving assistance to friends
15.Read again


Contact information
Name :Nyamsuren.D
Address: yrgait 34-523, Chingeltei distrist, Ulaanbaatar
Country: Mongolia
Cell- phone: 95686813
Personal information:
Date of birth: 19/05/1990
Place of birth: Ulaanbaatar country, mongolia
Citizenship: Chingeltei district, Ulaanbaatar
Gender: Female
High school: 1997 – 2007 37nd school of chingeltei district
University:Now I’m studying at Information and Telecommunication University.I will be telecommunication engineer.
Professional qualifications:
- use of computer program is excellent
- knowledge of professional experience
- Mongolia (native language)
- English (excellent)
Personal behavior:
- Honesty
- Responsible
- Self
- Innovative ideas
- Read book
- Listen to music
- play chess

bussines letter

September 26, 2009
Mr. Gantulga
SIMULINK Corporation
Dear Mr. Gantulga :
I learned of matlabing through online research using the Search database through Services at Virginia Tech where I am completing my Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering. From my research on your web site, I believe there would be a good fit between my skills and interests and your needs. I am interested in a software engineering position upon completion of my degree in September 2009.As a graduate student, I am one of six members on a software development team where we are writing a computer aided aircraft design program for matlab. My responsibilities include designing, coding, and testing of a graphical portion of the program which requires the use of SIMULINK for graphics input and output. I have a strong background in computer aided design, software development, and engineering, and believe that these skills would benefit the designing and manufacturing aspects of software. Enclosed is my resume which further outlines my qualifications.My qualifications make me well suited to the projects areas in which your division of matlab is expanding efforts. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss a position with you, and will contact you in a week or ten days to answer any questions you may have and to see if you need any other information from me such as a company application form or transcripts. Thank you for your consideration.Sincerely,nyamsuren Chingeltei district 18th khoroo 34-523 (976)-95686813


Traffic engineering
Look specifically main part is traffic engineering as it applies to traditional voice network is determined the number of trunks necessary to carry a required amount of voice calls during a period of time.
First paragraph:
irst There are two different types of connections to be aware of line and trunks. The lines allow telephone sets to be connecting to telephone switch, PBX exchanges and central office switch. Trunk is a tie line interconnecting PBX exchanges. Institute and companies are use switches to act as concentrators because the number of telephone sets required are sometimes greater than number of simultaneous calls that need to be made.
Second Paragraph:
Traffic Engineering is that phase of engineering which deals with the planning, geometric design and traffic operations of roads, streets, and highways, their networks, terminals, abutting lands and relationships with other modes of transportation for the achievement of safe, efficient, and convenient movement of persons and goods.Traffic engineering a voice over X network is a five step processing. Including a two step is in most large businesses it is more cost effective to apply traffic engineering to groups of trunks serving a common purpose. Start by separating the traffic into inbounded and outbound directions.
Including potential sources to traffic arrival Characteristics and switch handles trunk alloation. There are three parts /first assumption, second assumption and final assumpion/
The first assumption can be infinite versus a small number of sources. The second assumption deals with the traffic arrival characteristics. Usually based on a Poisson traffic distrubition where call arrivals follow a classic bell-shaped curve. Poisson distribution is commonly used for infinite traffic sources. The final assumption center around the switching equipment itself. In the circuit switch environment, many of the larger switches were blocking switches. There are three assumption with in a basic. The only thing left to do is to calculate the number of trunks required by formulas.

cover letter

Cover letter
Posted by nyamka
Director of company
UB city, Mongolia
Sukhbaatar district
Dear Bolor:
If your organization skilled and experienced telecommunication engineer, I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss your needs and objective with you .I want to enter your company. I graduated from Information and Communication University and GPA 3.5.I am telecommunication engineer. So I am thinking work along the own job. I can develop my professional horizons by seeking new challenges communication system.
In review of your company’s purposes and I am interested your carrier. Futhermore I believe that my experience is perfect with your current requirements. I am able to innovative ideas that take modern communication technology and contribution advances and shift in the company.
I would like collaborate your collective. I’m honesty and self- confident. Therefore I will lead and efficiency work with colleagues. I feel that personal interview is better and will demonstrate my knowledge and abilities. You trust me to my capacity for work. Thank you for your consideration. I looking forward speaking with you soon


Your interested official position: telecommunication engineer1. First name: Doshgoo Last name: Nyamsuren
2. Birrthday: 19/05/1990
3. Female Male
4. Birth state: Ulaanbaatar
5. Nationality: Mongolia
6. Personal number: ir 95686813
7. Passport number: E 0264513
8. Home address: yrgaat 34-523,Chingeltei district
9. Phone number: 99122071
10. Email:
11. Salary scale: 300$
12. Your professional and educationSchool type School name Entered year Graduated year Professional or education degreeHigh school 37th school 1997 2007 University Information and Communication 2007 2011 Bachelor degree
13. Your family member(only with live)who name age Where is he/she work ? Officail position Phone numberfather Doshgoo 43 ‘hatgan’Co.., ltd engineer 99160775mum Tuya 43 huwiaraa 96672592sister Dulamjaw 21 ‘kuds' in student 88160775