Monday, November 30, 2009


I want to be a best engineer
Do you have any dream? Naturally, every person has some dream. But I have many dreams. I want to be telecommunication’s best engineer. This is my dream and main purpose. So, I entered an Information and Telecommunication Technology university. I graduated “Merged” school in Ovorkhangai before I entered this school. When I was study secondary school, I didn’t like physical. But physical lesson is very important in Information and Telecommunication Technology university. So, beginning this university was very. However, I was faithful my purpose and I’m trying my lesson. I ‘m thinking I should be good student in order to best engineer. I will finished my school at next year. The five years after from now I will do my career’s work. Maybe five years after I will become mobile telecommunication company’s director or I will work “Mongolian Telecommunication” company. But it’s my dream. I believe in, I will telecommunication best engineer. In the future, technologies will play an even greater role in changing the way people live, learn, work and play, creating a global society where we live more comfortably; with cellular phones and other appliances that obey voice commands; energy-efficient, economical and safe home environments monitored by digital sensors. There will be "Smart" appliances and vehicles that anticipate our needs and deliver service instantly. We are seeing portable communications devices that work without wires; software intelligent agents that sort and synthesise information in a personally tailored format; new technologies that provide increased safety and protect our freedom, ranging from infra-red devices that illuminate the night to microwave devices that improve radar and communications.I believe in good things, so I want to be open me. You believe me whenever I’ll can best engineer.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

орчуулах 15н арга

1. Харна
2. Уншина
3. мэддэг үгээ түүж бичнэ
4. мэддэггүй үгээ түүж бичнэ
5. түүсэн үгээ тольноос хайна
6. үгнүүдээ эвлүүлнэ
7. үйл үгийн түүнэ
8. нэр үгүүдийн түүнэ
9. өгүүлбэр өгүүлбэрээр нь тасдаж авна
10. тасдаж авсан өгүүлбэрээ үг бүрчлэн орчуулна
11. түүнээсээ гол үгийн олно
12. орчуулсан үгнүүдээ нэгтгэж өгүүлбэр болгоно
13. энэ мэтчилэн бүх өгүүлбэрээ орчуулна
14. Text-nhee yronhii utgiina oilgono
15. text-ээ дахиад эхнээс нь уншина

An Artful Discovery

In 19th-century Spain the art world was set on its ear by a Spaniard,s chance discovery of what in to become known as the Altamira cave. Physically, the cave measures approximately 270 metres in length, that the vault at its highest point reaches 2.65 metres. the artists chose to paint their collage with bright red, black and violet hues.

Troubled waters

(24)Figure of

Troubled waters

Arctic Ocean which flows back and forth between Moskenesoya and Masken, two of the logoten lslands off the north-western coast of Norway. the Maelstrom, or Moskenstraumen in Norwegian, which has gulf destaoyed small ships. between the open sea to the west and Vestfjorden to the east, its current attaining a velocity of 7 miles (11km) an hour as the tides change. which is when circle whirlpools are ceated it was the French novel Jules Verne. American poet Edgar Allan Poe, who brought the term maelstrom into common parlance. figure of maerlstron to speak of conflicting feelings,or express turmoil.

an artful discovery


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

referrence letter

School of Telecommunication and Information technology,MUST
Apt 77-24, 22th horoo, Bayanzurkh district, P.O.B-469,
Post Office Ulaanbaatar- 21
Ulaanbaatar Mongolia,

To: "MCS" group

I am glad to be able to write most warmly in support of Nyamsuren's application for the post of Engineer with your company.

During his studies, Nyamsuren proved himself to be an outstanding student. His ideas are original and exciting, all his makes Nyamsuren an excellent person, capable of coping successfully in whatever work or
environment with professionalism and quality.

she has a website in internet world. He skilled in type of all software and hardware works. In addition, she is olloo's partner in a small business where he is responsible for writing and editing articles and website content.

She is a pleasant, hardworking and reliable person and I can recommend shis without any reservations.
Senior lecturer BAYARMAA Gurtseden